Linux 的 LZO 解压缩器理解的 LZO 流格式


这不是一个规范。似乎没有公开可用的 LZO 流格式规范。本文档描述了 Linux 内核中实现的 LZO 解压缩器所理解的输入格式。本分析的主题文件是 lib/lzo/lzo1x_decompress_safe.c。没有对压缩器或任何其他实现进行分析,尽管该格式似乎与标准格式匹配。本文档的目的是为了更好地理解代码的功能,以便为未来的错误报告提出更有效的修复方案。



  • 从字典(过去的输出缓冲区)复制数据时的距离

  • 长度(从字典复制的字节数)

  • 要复制的文字数,它作为下一条指令的信息保留在变量 “state” 中。



长度始终以可变大小进行编码,从操作数中的少量位开始。如果位的数量不足以表示长度,则可以通过以每次最多 255 的速率消耗更多字节来递增最多 255 个字节(因此压缩比不能超过 255:1 左右)。使用 #bits 的可变长度编码始终相同

length = byte & ((1 << #bits) - 1)
if (!length) {
        length = ((1 << #bits) - 1)
        length += 255*(number of zero bytes)
        length += first-non-zero-byte
length += constant (generally 2 or 3)

对于字典的引用,距离是相对于输出指针的。距离使用属于特定范围的很少位进行编码,从而导致使用不同编码的多个复制指令。某些编码涉及一个额外的字节,其他编码涉及两个额外的字节,形成一个小端 16 位量(在下面标记为 LE16)。

在除大型文字复制之外的任何指令之后,在开始下一条指令之前会复制 0、1、2 或 3 个文字。复制的文字数量可能会改变下一条指令的含义和行为。实际上,只有一条指令需要知道是否复制了 0 个、少于 4 个还是更多文字。这是此实现中存储在 <state> 变量中的信息。要复制的立即文字的数量通常编码在指令的最后两位中,但也可以从额外操作数的最后两位中获取(例如:距离)。

当看到距离为 0 的块复制时,声明流的结束。只有一条指令可以编码此距离 (0001HLLL),它采用一个用于距离的 LE16 操作数,因此需要 3 个字节。




0:原始版本 1:LZO-RLE

LZO 的版本 1 实现了一个扩展,可以使用游程编码来编码零的运行。这提高了具有许多零的数据的速度,这是 zram 的常见情况。这以向后兼容的方式修改了比特流(v1 可以正确解压缩 v0 压缩的数据,但 v0 无法读取 v1 数据)。

为了获得最大的兼容性,两个版本都以不同的名称(lzo 和 lzo-rle)提供。编码中的差异在本文档中注明,例如:仅版本 1。



0..16   : follow regular instruction encoding, see below. It is worth
          noting that code 16 will represent a block copy from the
          dictionary which is empty, and that it will always be
          invalid at this place.

17      : bitstream version. If the first byte is 17, and compressed
          stream length is at least 5 bytes (length of shortest possible
          versioned bitstream), the next byte gives the bitstream version
          (version 1 only).
          Otherwise, the bitstream version is 0.

18..21  : copy 0..3 literals
          state = (byte - 17) = 0..3  [ copy <state> literals ]
          skip byte

22..255 : copy literal string
          length = (byte - 17) = 4..238
          state = 4 [ don't copy extra literals ]
          skip byte


0 0 0 0 X X X X  (0..15)
  Depends on the number of literals copied by the last instruction.
  If last instruction did not copy any literal (state == 0), this
  encoding will be a copy of 4 or more literal, and must be interpreted
  like this :

     0 0 0 0 L L L L  (0..15)  : copy long literal string
     length = 3 + (L ?: 15 + (zero_bytes * 255) + non_zero_byte)
     state = 4  (no extra literals are copied)

  If last instruction used to copy between 1 to 3 literals (encoded in
  the instruction's opcode or distance), the instruction is a copy of a
  2-byte block from the dictionary within a 1kB distance. It is worth
  noting that this instruction provides little savings since it uses 2
  bytes to encode a copy of 2 other bytes but it encodes the number of
  following literals for free. It must be interpreted like this :

     0 0 0 0 D D S S  (0..15)  : copy 2 bytes from <= 1kB distance
     length = 2
     state = S (copy S literals after this block)
   Always followed by exactly one byte : H H H H H H H H
     distance = (H << 2) + D + 1

  If last instruction used to copy 4 or more literals (as detected by
  state == 4), the instruction becomes a copy of a 3-byte block from the
  dictionary from a 2..3kB distance, and must be interpreted like this :

     0 0 0 0 D D S S  (0..15)  : copy 3 bytes from 2..3 kB distance
     length = 3
     state = S (copy S literals after this block)
   Always followed by exactly one byte : H H H H H H H H
     distance = (H << 2) + D + 2049

0 0 0 1 H L L L  (16..31)
     Copy of a block within 16..48kB distance (preferably less than 10B)
     length = 2 + (L ?: 7 + (zero_bytes * 255) + non_zero_byte)
  Always followed by exactly one LE16 :  D D D D D D D D : D D D D D D S S
     distance = 16384 + (H << 14) + D
     state = S (copy S literals after this block)
     End of stream is reached if distance == 16384
     In version 1 only, to prevent ambiguity with the RLE case when
     ((distance & 0x803f) == 0x803f) && (261 <= length <= 264), the
     compressor must not emit block copies where distance and length
     meet these conditions.

  In version 1 only, this instruction is also used to encode a run of
     zeros if distance = 0xbfff, i.e. H = 1 and the D bits are all 1.
     In this case, it is followed by a fourth byte, X.
     run length = ((X << 3) | (0 0 0 0 0 L L L)) + 4

0 0 1 L L L L L  (32..63)
     Copy of small block within 16kB distance (preferably less than 34B)
     length = 2 + (L ?: 31 + (zero_bytes * 255) + non_zero_byte)
  Always followed by exactly one LE16 :  D D D D D D D D : D D D D D D S S
     distance = D + 1
     state = S (copy S literals after this block)

0 1 L D D D S S  (64..127)
     Copy 3-4 bytes from block within 2kB distance
     state = S (copy S literals after this block)
     length = 3 + L
   Always followed by exactly one byte : H H H H H H H H
     distance = (H << 3) + D + 1

1 L L D D D S S  (128..255)
     Copy 5-8 bytes from block within 2kB distance
     state = S (copy S literals after this block)
     length = 5 + L
   Always followed by exactly one byte : H H H H H H H H
     distance = (H << 3) + D + 1


本文档由 Willy Tarreau <> 于 2014/07/19 在分析 Linux 3.16-rc5 中可用的解压缩代码期间编写,并由 Dave Rodgman <> 于 2018/10/30 更新,以引入游程编码。代码很棘手,本文档可能包含错误或忽略了一些边缘情况。在任何情况下,请向作者报告任何疑问、修复或建议的更新,以便可以更新文档。